About Us
AMS Med Waste LLC provides medical waste management services in Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin
Our Mission
AMS Med Waste will provide best in class service and value based pricing for:
- Disposal of Potentially Infectious Medical Waste
- Hazardous Medical Waste Disposal
- Environmentally Sound Solutions
- Customer Education
- Patient and End-User Safety
We will provide these services with respect and absolute dedication to customer satisfaction.
This Is What We Do
Avoid Sending Medical Waste to Landfills
Convert Medical Waste to Fuel
Provide Customer Responsive Service
Offer Customer Friendly Contracts
We provide medical waste management services to a variety of industry types:
Each time a patient is cared for there is a high possibility of medical waste being produced. Hospitals are one of the largest generators of medical waste and therefore would have a great deal of interest in our “no landfill” option.
Emergency Clinics
Emergency and walk-in care facilities represent a growing portion of the healthcare market serving a variety of patient needs. One of the challenges they face is an inconsistency in the number of patients seen. In order to help them plan for the variable quantities of medical waste generated, AMS provides overflow containers at no cost.
Dental Offices
As small quantity generators, dental offices often produce both regulated medical waste and some quantities of hazardous waste such as dental amalgams. AMS is uniquely positioned to serve the needs of these healthcare providers.
Long-Term Care Facilities
On a day to day basis, long-term care facilities also generate a substantial amount of medical waste. AMS provides the same great service to both large and small facilities regardless of the volume or frequency of pick up.
Blood Banks
Masks, needles, tubing and gloves are all types of waste that can be found in blood banks. AMS provides a variety of container types and sizes to accommodate the unique needs of these customers.
Funeral Homes
In addition to standard medical waste, AMS partners with our customers to dispose of some of the less common types of waste generated by funeral homes.
Veterinary Clinics, Shelters or Hospitals
Similar to patient care, animal care also generates medical waste and AMS is there to meet their needs, both large and small.
Even schools generate medical waste and must obey federal and state regulations. The trained technicians at AMS will help you to stay compliant.
While labs may have less direct patient contact, medical waste is still generated and it is critical for them to adhere to secure medical waste disposal practices. AMS offers a “no landfill” option that reduces the risk of contaminated materials from entering the environment.
Physician Offices
Due to the type of patient care, physician offices are often small volume generators. AMS values all types of customers regardless of volume they produce and offers significant savings compared to other medical waste providers.
We are Proud to be a Part of These Chambers of Commerce
Customer Testimonial
Genoa Animal Hospital
Secure Medical Waste Solutions
Serving Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin