
Comprehensive Guidelines and Best Practices for Safe Disposal

by AMS MedWaste

How Do We Dispose of Medical Waste?

How Do We Dispose of Medical Waste?

So you know how to properly handle medical waste, and you understand how important it is to ensure it is done properly due to the grave risks. You recognize the various types of waste and the different considerations that come with them. At this point, you may be wondering what happens to the medical waste once it has left your hands. Where does it go? What happens to it?

detail of burning flame in a domestic pellet burning stove with refractory brick and fuel delivery chute behind

What Happens To The Medical Waste

In The Past

There was a time when medical waste was disposed of in a fairly mundane manner. The same considerations were not given to it then as it is now. When it was collected, it was taken to the normal landfill and simply tossed away. That’s a slightly horrifying thought, isn’t it?

We’ve talked about the hazards of medical waste before, so it should be clear by this point how irresponsible that is. Can you imagine the health risks of leaving bits of organs and bags of blood laying around the landfill? And that’s not just for the workers who have to navigate these hazards, it’s also the environment being contaminated by this waste.

In time, however, better minds prevailed and new procedures were created. This has led to the more modern approach, which is far, far safer.

In The Now

Nowadays the process has improved significantly. You may be surprised to hear that the medical waste still ends up at landfills, but not the ones you are thinking about. These days special sanitary landfills are used to contain and safely dispose of medical waste. They use a number of techniques to ensure compliance with safety regulations and to ensure hazardous materials are safely destroyed.

The process used typically results in the materials being placed into giant incinerators and autoclaves. These use extreme temperatures and pressure to ensure all material is destroyed safely. This ensures no contamination is possible when it’s all over, keeping workers, and the environment, far safer than the older methods.


Make sure you take medical waste disposal seriously from the get go. It’s a serious matter that can lead to great troubles should it not be handled well.


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