
Comprehensive Guidelines and Best Practices for Safe Disposal

by AMS MedWaste

How To Dispose Of Your Face Mask

How To Dispose Of Your Face Mask

With many of us protecting ourselves, our friends, and neighbors by wearing face masks to prevent the spread of COVID-19, there comes the question of how to safely dispose of them. Unfortunately many people have taken to throwing them away like common trash when it is time to get a new one. The implications of throwing the masks on the ground aside, improperly removing the mask can lead to further spreading the virus to yourself and others.

Woman wearing surgical protective mask going to work

Safely Removing Your Mask

It may seem like a silly thing to go on about, but this virus is serious enough that we must do what we can to prevent its spread. The procedure is a simple one, and therefore there’s no excuse to not follow it. When you are removing the mask, do so from behind, touching only the strings and not the front. Dispose of it immediately and without touching anything else into a closed bin. Be sure to sanitize your hands immediately after doing this.

Safely Disposing Of The Masks

Did you notice how we said to put the mask into a closed bin? We said that because the ground is not where a mask goes, nor any other kind of garbage for that matter. Not only are there the concerns of spreading the virus, there’s the environmental impact of scattering yet more trash around the place.


But back to containers. Not everyone has access to a container that specifically has a lid, though you can probably rig up or acquire one. Either way what you need to do is dispose of the masks in a place that will prevent the spread of the virus. A good way to do this would be to acquire a medical waste container, which is specifically designed to handle various medical waste safely. If you have a need to collect a high quantity of masks regularly, then these may be the best bet for you. If that sounds good to you, and you want some more information about these containers, get in touch with us and we can fill you in on all the details.

Whatever you choose, remember that it is very important to dispose of your medical masks safely in order to slow the spread of COVID-19. It’s your responsibility to yourself, your friends, family, and everyone.

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